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Friday 26 November 2010

Selling a Soul for Love

This story is a mix of romance, fantasy and not-scary horror. You'll get what I mean if you read it. Please comment on your thoughts, good, bad or both. Thanks.

Ray Pollen was seventeen years of age, and as most boys of his age do, he liked a girl. But he never knew he was going to make it work with her, or better still, finally get there through confronting a demonic genie who offered him one billion pounds. But we'll get to that a bit later.

Ray ended his average night with an hour or so of revising for his A-Level studies, playing on a games console and speaking with his dream girlfriend, Katie, who was, without doubt, the best person he had ever known. She had been there for him when he was in a bad time, and understood him completely. Despite all their fun and frolics, it was unknown to him whether she just liked him as a friend or something more. Ray was getting tired and decided to go. Katie, for the first time in all the years they had known each other, left a love heart at the end of the "byeeee". She's just a girl, he thought. They always do that, probably nothing.

Fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes he had been in bed with nothing on his mind but her. Did she like him? How would she respond if he told her his feelings? What kind of person is she on the side of relationships? Most boys just went along with these things, but Ray had always worried about girl's reactions- he never wanted to be accused of stalking, being creepy or anything to that effect. It makes him seem different and before you know it all girls get the horrible message about him which of course, is not true. Ten minutes more and his mind drifted away from these thoughts and prepared to rest in eight hours of solid sleep. However, only a minute had passed before something cold and dark growled within his room. He heard it immediately and shot up from the bed, sitting and looking all over for the source of the noise. The growl continued until it started to sound like a wail, then a cry of happiness and a "Woo-hoo!" mixed with manic laughter, lasting several seconds until a floating man with red skin, short black horns and Victorian robes appeared in the centre of the room, watching Ray curiously. His expression could only be read as- "What the bloody hell?"

"Hello, young sir. I am-" he began.
"A demon genie?" Ray guessed.
"Um... excuse me?"
"Demon genie." In some cases, especially if you're Ray, to be so shocked can make you sound sane. "I just guessed because you seem a bit... demon slash genie."
"Well, I am not 'demon slash genie', idiot mortal. I am a Deadly Genie, as they call me." He waved his hands as if to salute the introduction. "And you must be Ray?"
"How do you know my name?" Ray sat down against his pillows as his hunched back began to annoy him.
"I know everybody's names. I can work it out just by looking at them."
"That isn't possible."
The Genie leant closer to Ray so he could see the creature's fiery eyes (literally) with cat like slits.
"I am not possible."

Katie shut her laptop and sighed. Did Ray like her? She had an inkling he did but didn't know how to take it- she hoped to have the bravery to accept him but was worried about how she would feel if he tells her eventually. After all, Katie had never been in this position before. Believe it or not, she had only had two boyfriends who she got on alright with but both dumped her for reasons that upset her. Since she hasn't ever had a boyfriend, but isn't sure who she likes anymore. Even as the conversation ended she felt something different for him that night. Something stronger than before. It had only been a normal conversation, not as interesting as the ones in the past. Even her own changes as she grew older confused her as well as other people. Katie was a confused girl, but a brilliant one to Ray.

"What do you want? This has to be a dream."
"It isn't, Ray. I've come to give you a choice. Three choices in fact.."
Ray sighed. "Which are?"
"The first one is have a guaranteed relationship with Katie, but it will only last you six days. The second is that I will give you six million pounds." There was more emphasis on the third one. "The third... you get six days of Katie hating your guts and ruining your life with the aid of others who hate you. You may only pick one." Ray thought the Genie was an idiot. What did he expect him to pick? Still, he took his time with the decision, thinking about the money as well as the time with Katie.

Unknown to Ray, Katie had the same confrontation with a Genie who claimed to be the lesser evil of his brother. It was a very long story for Katie but after learning of what the other would say to Ray and what the Genie was trying to do, she decided to get out of the house and find him. But she didn't know where he lived! The good Genie offered his hand and she gripped it tightly, expecting them to shoot off into the air. In fact, they vanished.

"Come on, Ray. Make your decision. I'm getting impatient."
"Sorry, I'm just thinking." Am I going mad? he thought. Do I even believe any of this? It seems real...

The two reappeared directly in front of the house driveway. Katie went to unlock the large gate. The Genie gestured her away from it and pointed to the next driveway.
"That house."
"Oh... right." Katie blushed with a strange feeling of embarrassment and ran over to the other house, not noticing glimmer of colours from the top window. Knocks on the door gave no response. What she did notice was there being no cars. He was obviously alone. She tried to kick the door open but her lack of strength gave way. The Genie once again pulled her away and opened the door simply by pulling the handle.
"How did you-"
"I'm impossible. Therefore the impossibility of opening a locked door doesn't comprehend with me."
"Ah. Good. Let's find him then." She tried a smile but the nerves got the better of her and once spotting the stairs ran quickly up them and checked every door for Ray's room until she heard the sound of talking and dived into the door of its source. Unfortunately, she came to find a rather unpleasant scene taking place within a double bed. Apologising, but thanking the lord above that they didn't even hear her or see her, closed the door carefully and found the last door she hadn't checked, diving once more into it and looking around, seeing the much more strangely dressed and peculiar looking monster confronting Ray.

Ray jumped out of the bed in his pyjamas and stood next to Katie.
"What are you doing here?" he whispered to her, trying to hold back the gaping mouth.
"A good Genie, or whatever they call themselves, came to me and told me you were in trouble or something."
"Trouble? Are you kidding, I'm- wait, how much do you know?"
"It's okay, Ray, I know the choices, but you can't listen to it-"
"AH-AH-AAH!" the Deadly Genie screeched. "You can't help him. Not any more." He smiled and watched the other Genie who, with a slightly scared expression, vanished immediately.
"So much for help."
"Don't worry, Ray, I'll- ah, I can't..."
The Genie cackled manically.
"Ha, ha! You see? The one thing Katie can do for you cannot be done tonight! NOW MAKE YOUR CHOICE!"
"Or what? You'll leave?" Ray stared at him furiously.
"... um, yes. I think." The Genie began to shake a little, backing away. "Make your choice! MAKE IT!"
"Why should-"
"NO! If you don't do it I will destroy you both! I can even do it to the Friendly Genie!"
"Ray, make a choice, it isn't hard." She smiled a little and looked into his eyes. It lasted longer than ever before. Ray did the same, looking only at the bright blue eyes and nothing else; he ignored the long, curly brown hair, the random dressing of clothes that she had so obviously thrown on whilst hurrying to get to him and the smile which tempted them both to get closer.
But he looked away from her. She frowned but he stopped her. Something wasn't right about this. He knew general beliefs and facts about demons and similar creatures. He assumed this being a sort of demon, once only just realising the trio of 6's, a trio of this number marking the presence or action of a demon or in some beliefs, Satan himself. He felt as if this was destined. For starters, he had seen a documentary in school about various religious views and separate opinions on Satanism and Hell. One opinion that for some reason caught his eye was the one about the mark of the Demon (666) representing the selling of one's soul. Did this catch his eye for the sole purpose that he would need the information now?
"Your choice is destined to be." the Genie said.
Yes, it did.
"As are the choices of all my other victims. Like them, you will make the right choice."
"Katie, think about it. Three 6's- the selling of one's soul. Any of these would sell my soul to him. What if I did nothing?"
"You can't! We'll die!"
"If we don't do anything. What if I make my choice for myself and not through him?"
"WHAT!? How could you possibly work that out! You're, you're-"
"Human. Unlike you. And I have a mind. A living mind with more than just hatred and evil- I have compassion, love, care, all for the girl beside me." Katie blushed but managed a greater smile than she had ever made before. Ray looked back into her eyes and the moment resumed. The Deadly Genie then smirked at the girl, grabbing her attention by hovering closer.
"Aaaah, but you see- to allow this to happen you must claim the amount of money too!"
"I have." He looked at Katie. "I claim the money because she is worth every penny of it."
The Genie began to flicker and fade. "But what about the six days of hatred!?"
"Oh, that's easy." Katie held Ray by both hands. "For me to hate him for six days is impossible. I think you can handle impossible." She smiled at him mockingly and he vanished, wailing with pure hate and spitting small flames which vanished as they touched the ground. The final seconds of his demise didn't seem to attract the attention of the couple next door. Katie thought about them after he left and asked about the cars.
"Oh, the only car we had crashed. Wasn't my fault. You didn't see them, did you? Like, just now?"
Katie thought about her answer. "No, I didn't." With that she let go of his hands and waved him bye.

What a night it had been. And his parents knew nothing of it. He had beaten a demonic Genie who tried to sell him love in return for a soul. Blimey, is finding love that much to ask?

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