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Saturday 27 November 2010

The Interrogator (Very Short)

I may be thinking about adding more stories about this. This one sure entertained me. I hope it entertains you. :)

"So... where do we begin?"
The young, brown haired man with his smart suit and powerful appearance spread all his papers over the silver table, its shiny surface reflecting the small lamp above, which was the only source of light in the room. Two US police officers could barely be seen at the door behind the scruffy, greasy-haired man looking nowhere but down.

Jack tried to ignore the Interrogator's comical and mocking attitude as he spoke to him.
"Let's see... several cases of theft. Very small incidents. We've forgotten about those, haven't we?" He chucked two files behind him, papers flying in various directions around him. One landed over his head which he scrunched up and dropped it in the bin next to him. "Attempted murder. We let you off on that one. Go easy on the meatballs." He chucked a single file behind him. "Next-"
"Don't you care about the mess?" Jack's heavy Southern American voice beat the volume of the Interrogator's own, who stared at him blankly. He then scoffed and shrugged.
"No." He continued. "Next... (pausing for Jack's benefit) we have a report that you committed arson on three houses. Four years in prison. Would've been more if someone died. Shame..." Another file spreading its contents through the room.
"That's horrible. You wanted someone to die just so I would be in jail."
"If you knew how I feel for you, you'd probably be scared of me." He looked at the last file closely and sighed disapprovingly, tutting to annoy him. "And this is the one that got me. You stole my money. You broke into my own personal Vault and burnt the money. You were also responsible for hacking into my bank account and destroying all possibilities of getting my money back, you little-" The two officers stepped forward a little, but the Interrogator remained sat down, clearly fuming with anger whilst controlling himself. The only thing that scared Jack was how calm he looked when he was really, really ticked off.
"You know what I think?" Jack breathed and sat up, folding his arms. "I think you're a sad, spoilt little brat who thinks because he technically owns the laws with his power over crime and has a wealthy life he can do whatever he wants." Jack leaned closer. "You're wrong, sir."
"Don't try and turn the interrogation on me," the Interrogator snapped. "I can get you locked up for fifteen years for this!"
"I don't care. I did my work. I'm done." The Interrogator stood up at this.
"So how do you explain the fires? What were they for? And the attempted murder? And the theft!?"
"They were all ways to grab your attention... I wanted to be caught for the crime, but I made sure no-one was hurt."
"GRAB MY ATTENTION?" He banged the table with both hands, so hard that the light above shook a little on it's thin string. "For what!?"
Jack smiled victoriously and looked up at him. "To piss you off."

The Interrogator made sure Jack was behind bars as soon as possible, awaiting trial. Jack didn't care. He had nothing left anyway. No family. Besides, he never had nor ever would have a problem with the prisoners. They all respected him and thought it good of him to try and get the Interrogator mad. No-one liked him. They would all see him dead. But they had no reason to try it without further punishments.
However, that first night back in jail Jack happened to be the only one awake. He heard the Interrogator speaking with another man. The voice was young but dark. No strong diction. Sounded like another low-life criminal like some of the men in the prison. But hold on- what where they talking about? Without making a sound, Jack stuck his head against the bars and listened.
"Clinton, this is all I have." Clinton. The name of the Interrogator. But Jack preferred to just stick with the other name for now.
"That'll do fine. I'll let you go."
"But what are you gonna tell your big crowd?"
"I have my ways. I'm not just the Interrogator, you know." He wasn't joking. The Interrogator, as the prisoners have always called him, was also legible to provide evidence and force a judgement of his own choice when being the accuser. It wasn't a normal privilege to do this, but with his wealth the message got through eventually. He had so much power. He owned the police and could bribe them into almost anything. He managed to get a sight of the Interrogator being given a pile of crash strapped together. There must've been thousands of dollars in that pile. He was letting people off for their crimes in return for huge amounts of money. Stolen money. And he knew this was the exact plan for one single reason.

The Interrogator watched the man leave and was just about to do the same until he heard a voice call to him.
"You can't do it again. Not like you did to me."
The Interrogator grinned to himself and turned to look at his face watching back through the cell bars. "I can do what I want, in disagreement to what you said to me earlier. And what happened to you was different, Finnigan." He smirked and left.

Jack banged his cell wall furiously and fell onto his soft bed, the only comfort in the prison other than the respect of the other guys. It made him feel safe and secure, giving him room to think. And if he wanted to expose the Interrogator, he'd have a lot of thinking to be getting on with that night.

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